• Sometimes you go the stairs up and sometimes you go down. The most important thing is to enjoy the time in between, in best case on a balcony.
  • last week wasn't easy for me. great ups and deep downs. was a rollercoaster ride, but in the end just happy.
  • in spring the flowers burst into the light and surprise us. They smell sweet and are beautiful to look at, but they need water, light and many more. one day they will fade gray. It's a pity, but this will also pass away and the next spring will come for sure.
  • On Sunday, 12 June 2022, I was at a concert by Chilly Gonzales in Munich at the Prinzregententheater. That night, after this great breathtaking performance by him and his colleagues, I was still so excited and inspired that I painted this picture.
  • You can already see the mystical top of the mountain, but the final way up is really exhausting. Target reached, you enjoy the success and the view, but then you realise that you can't stay here. You have to move, always and always to move...
  • Like a sudden rain shower. The colours flow from the inside to the outside. Yesterday everything was different. Today everything is colourful. Let's live today.
  • you can't stop it. it wants to get out. you want to stop it, but it's too late. it comes, it explodes, the colours burst out.


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